Brian Murry,
Board of Directors
Committees: By-Law; Insurance; Car Show (food)
Background: I am a retired Engineer from the dairy & Food Industry; Life long resident; Volunteer Firemen for 46+ years; presently Chairman of the VOA Planning Board and Commander of VFW Post # 3180. I have served on many committees of the community and the county over my many years of serve.
I presently represent the Veterans Community, as a Corporate Officer of the American Legion Post # 900, and the Tillman Restaurant.
My Goals of the Chamber is to continue with the energetic group we presently have, and to expand to help all Businesses of the Village and Town. I also want to see a visible electronic Calendar that we can share with Business and Organizations, so that at no time are events overlapping. We have a great community that we need to showcase for tourism and to be able to better Advertise ourselves. As one of the older members we want to right the wrongs of the past and develop a great team that showcases the Chamber.