
  • Our Mission

    Did you know they also offer paint parties to show you how to Drip Paint 🌈 Drip painting is a form of abstract art in which paint is dripped or poured on to the canvas. - - Who wants to get creative 🙋

    - Who wants to explore their inner artist 🙋

    - Who wants to bond with Family and Friends 🙋

    - Who wants to support Local 🙋

    Reach out and book a party with this amazing couple!

  • Info

    What is Drip Paining?? Come check them out at the West Shore Market on Sunday's and see for yourself and support your local artists! ! What more information follow them of Facebook and see all their Acrylic Paintings and Crochet Art Designs or simply send and email driptripdesign@gmail.com

  • Services

    If you're interested in a class, please feel free to reach out! We provide all necessary supplies for a successul and fun class!