To our fellow community members,
Following a very busy and successful 2024 Sidewalk Sale and Cruise Night Season, along with many other advancements our Chamber has made this year, it is with sadness yet positivity that we announce there will not be a “Super Cruise” held in September like in years past. This event, although fun is very costly, time and volunteer intensive and our board has agreed to focus our growing and passionate energy on some other exciting ventures that will be great for our community and local businesses. We are currently concentrating on Light up Akron which is the Christmas Tree Lighting, ACS Santa Band Concert, Light up Parade, and Merchant Moonlight Shopping event, which is one of our largest and most attended events each year. This will be Saturday, December 14th so mark your calendars now! Rather than moving forward with a Super Cruise in the future, we will be redirecting our energy towards bringing back a large and organized Fall Fest for late September of 2025, so we look forward to that as well! Thank you to everyone who was involved with Cruise Nights this year, and everyone who joined us on Thursday nights for one of the best seasons in many years. See you on Main Street in the Village of Akron!”